Yubar Perez, a resident of Worcester, Massachusetts, tragically lost his life after being shot by Felix J. Rivera on Heroult Road. The incident, which occurred just hours after an arrest warrant was filed against Rivera for domestic abuse and aggravated kidnapping, escalated into a violent confrontation that ended in a deadly standoff on Interstate 190.
According to Worcester court records, Rivera had threatened his girlfriend with a gun the night before the shooting. He allegedly pointed a revolver at her head and threatened to kill her if she contacted the police. Rivera was wanted on several charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and strangulation, related to a previous incident in August. Despite these charges, he went to Perez’s residence and fatally shot him. Perez was found critically injured at the scene and later pronounced dead at the hospital.
The standoff that followed caused significant disruption on I-190, as police attempted to apprehend Rivera. Surrounded by law enforcement, Rivera shot himself in the head and was declared dead shortly after.
Yubar Perez was remembered as a devoted husband, father, and friend, deeply loved by his community. A GoFundMe account has been established to support Perez’s wife, Yakelyn Garcia, and their family during this difficult time. Funeral arrangements and an official obituary will be released by his family.
This tragic event highlights the severe consequences of domestic violence and the ripple effects it can have on victims and their loved ones.