Today in Melbourne, Victoria, prominent and beloved Pontian community leader Peter Jasonides passed away. Mr. Jasonides was the founder of ITHEA Educational Institution, a prominent member of the Pontian society, and the past president of the Pan Macedonian Association of Melbourne and Victoria.
After suffering from illness for a few years, Mr. Jasonides passed away this morning in his home, surrounded by his loved ones. His son George, daughter Natole, and wife Helen survive him. Helen noted in a Facebook post that the loss of Mr. Jasonides has “irrevocably broken” the family. His wife wrote, “The Pontian Eagle has succumbed after many years of struggle; his big, golden heart beats no more.”
“Known for his razor-sharp humor and unparalleled intellect. Constantly affectionate, fiercely devoted, shamelessly giving, and most importantly, compassionate. These characteristics—gleaming medals on his large, muscular chest—will be his legacy. Greek people in Melbourne also honored Mr. Jasonides, with many referring to him as a wonderful and wonderful man.
Konstantinos (Dean) Kalymnios, a close friend of Jasonides and contributor to Neos Kosmos, wrote the following upon his passing: “Triandellina [30 x Greek] is what you are.” I cherish you. A few days ago, I had my final discussion with Panagiotis Jasonides. He gave up his time every time to check on me, make sure I was alright, and offer suggestions.Panagiotis, what are you talking about? You truly embody the essence of a triandellina,” I retorted. “Dino, stop the nonsense,” he laughed snortingly.
His body was no longer able to withstand the pain. However, this remarkable man—who presided over the Pan-Macedonian Association, was the heart and soul of the Pontiaki Estia, dreamed of uniting all Pontian associations in Australia, assisted countless fellow travellers without asking for credit or recognition, and gave up his personal happiness for the commonwealth—will live on forever in our hearts and memories.