This is a tragic and deeply disturbing incident involving the death of 16-year-old Preston Lord during a Halloween party in Queen Creek, Arizona. Talan Renner, a 17-year-old high school football player, is facing charges of first-degree murder and kidnapping in connection with Lord’s death.
According to a police report obtained by KTVK, Renner allegedly bragged to a friend online about the fight, claiming that he accidentally “killed” Lord and attributing it to his own strength. Renner reportedly admitted to the attack as he and three other suspects fled the party, stating that he “might have hospitalized that kid” and that he “hit him pretty hard.”
The Halloween party was described as chaotic, with numerous teens and cars present, and witnesses reported the presence of weapons among the partygoers. It is believed that a dispute over a gold chain led to the fatal assault, with Dominic Turner, also known as “D Money,” allegedly stealing the chain from a friend of Lord’s.
Preston Lord tragically succumbed to his injuries on October 30th at a hospital. The incident has shocked the community and raised concerns about safety during such events.
As the investigation continues and Renner remains in jail with a bail set at $1 million, the community mourns the loss of Preston Lord and seeks justice for his untimely death.
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