In a heartbreaking incident on Sunday, Barron County authorities discovered two people dead at a home north of Chetek. The sheriff’s department responded to a distress call around 12:50 p.m. when a concerned individual reported that a woman was found lying outside in a pool of blood, unresponsive.
Upon their arrival, law enforcement officers confirmed the tragic news, finding the woman deceased outside the residence and the man also found dead inside the home. The victims have been identified as Michael and Michelle Turnipseed, aged 53 and 51, respectively. Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald shared that the two had been separated, and there was an active legal case surrounding the couple.
Court records revealed that Michelle had filed for divorce in September, just days after Michael was charged with domestic abuse-related crimes, including intentionally pointing a firearm at another person and disorderly conduct. Sheriff Fitzgerald confirmed that Michael arrived at the home Sunday afternoon, where he and Michelle were believed to have engaged in an altercation.
Michelle Turnipseed, a Registered Dental Hygienist, worked at River Birch Dental in Chetek at the time of her passing. Before that, she had worked at River Place Dental in Amery, WI, and Valley Dental, Inc. She was a graduate of Fort Atkinson High School and had spent much of her life contributing to her community through her dental hygiene career.
This tragedy serves as a somber reminder of the dangers of domestic violence, and authorities urge anyone in need of support to reach out to the appropriate resources. It is suspected that the cause of death was stab wounds, though the investigation remains ongoing.
The sheriff also took the opportunity to remind the public to reach out to local authorities or victim advocates if they or someone they know is experiencing abuse. He provided contact information for organizations such as Embrace, St. Croix Valley Sexual Assault Response Team, and Community Referral Agency.