Lauren Martha Hudson Missing: Police Announce the Missing of Michael, Minnesota, Teenager, Last Seen on April 16

Lauren Martha Hudson Missing: Police Announce the Missing of Michael, Minnesota, Teenager, Last Seen on April 16

A 17-year-old St. Michael, Minnesota, teenager has been reported missing. Authorities said Lauren Martha Hudson has been missing since April 16, 2024. Lauren Hudson has been missing since she left school. She may currently be located in either the St. Paul or South St. Paul vicinity. Her family and friends are searching for her and eagerly await her return. Lauren possesses a notably fair complexion, stands at a height of 5 feet 2 inches, has lengthy blonde hair, and has blue eyes. She probably wears eyeglasses.

In addition, her eyes are blue.If you possess any knowledge regarding Lauren or her current location, kindly contact the Wright County Sheriff’s Office at the above number: (763) 682-1162. If you happen to spot Lauren shortly, please immediately contact emergency services by dialing 911.

Friday, April 26th: Thank you to everyone who has shared…8.8K times! Let’s do another push before the weekend. If everyone who has shared can share again,. Let’s break 10K. We are very confident that F.R.E.E. International-God is good. @highlight. Update on finding my niece Lauren. “We are working with an organization called F.R.E.E. International. They are gathering all of the information we have, putting together the timeline for the case, & will have a strategic plan shortly. They are very good at what they do & have a very high success rate, Praise God. Please keep praying & re-posting the flier on social media.”

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