The College Hills neighborhood in Birmingham is reeling from a devastating tragedy following a targeted shooting that claimed the lives of four childhood friends. The incident, occurring around 3 p.m. on Friday, has plunged the community into mourning and left many searching for answers.
Lamarion Charlie Tykese, aged 20, has been arrested and charged with the murder of the four men: Cortez Ray, 32; Talton Tate, 36; Terrell Edwards, 38; and Kevin McGhee, 38. These lifelong friends were fatally shot in a residential area nestled between Parker High School and Legion Field stadium, emphasizing the deep loss felt by those who knew them.
Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond, in a press briefing, underscored the targeted nature of this heinous act, suggesting a deeper motive behind the killings. “I think people know. It wasn’t a random act. Unfortunately, it’s not often we have random acts in our city. This was targeted,” Thurmond said, urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in removing the perpetrators from the streets.
The shooting occurred at a local car wash within the College Hills neighborhood, yet authorities are still piecing together the details, including the identification of any additional suspects.
In the aftermath, Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin expressed his grief on social media, noting a personal connection to one of the victims from an unrelated incident earlier that day, further compounding the tragedy’s impact on the community.
As the investigation progresses, the Birmingham Police Department, in collaboration with Crime Stoppers, is offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible. This tragic event not only underscores the urgency of addressing gun violence but also highlights the tight-knit nature of the affected community, now united in grief and the pursuit of justice for the victims and their families.