Carter, a 39-year-old resident of Haiku, a seaside community in Hawaii, tragically lost his life on Saturday during a fatal encounter with a shark off the coast of Maui. The incident occurred near Paia Bay, a popular spot for bodyboarding and surfing.
Lifeguards swiftly responded to the scene and transported Carter on a jet ski to shore. First responders performed life-saving measures until medical personnel arrived to transport him to the Maui Memorial Medical Center. Despite their efforts, Carter succumbed to his injuries.
Authorities have refrained from classifying the incident as an attack and have not provided specific details about the extent of Carter’s wounds. Nevertheless, the Maui Police Department expressed their condolences to his family and friends.
In response to the tragedy, warning signs were promptly posted a mile in both directions from the site of the incident. Additionally, Baldwin Beach Park and Baby Beach were closed for the day as a precautionary measure.
The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) reported that Carter was in the water during mixed water conditions caused by high surf. The department stated on Facebook that if no further signs of shark activity are detected by noon on Sunday, the warning signs will be removed.
This unfortunate incident marks the eighth shark-related incident of the year, according to the DLNR’s shark incident database. However, it is the only one that has resulted in a fatality.
Carter was not only known for his love of the ocean but also for his passion for sports. His Facebook profile showcases numerous pictures of beach sunsets and him enjoying snowy slopes while working at ski lodges in Oregon.
In the wake of his passing, friends have taken to social media to remember Carter fondly. One friend described him as a legend and expressed how much he was loved. Others reminisced about his infectious smile and thanked him for being a part of their lives.
The Maui Police Department has not provided any further comments at this time..
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