Jamie Andrews Obituary, Prisoner found dead after being released by mistake

The tragic case of Jamie Andrews, who was mistakenly released from HMP Bristol and later found dead on the streets of Reading, Berks., highlights a series of concerning errors and oversights within the criminal justice system.

According to the coroner’s report, Andrews was serving a prison sentence and held on remand for other offenses when he was released due to a paperwork error on December 1, 2022. Three days later, he was discovered dead. The assistant coroner for Berkshire, Ian Wade KC, emphasized that Andrews should not have been released on that day and stressed that Andrews did not escape; rather, prison guards “opened the door and let him out.”

While the primary cause of Andrews’ death was ischaemic heart disease, the presence of various illegal drugs in his system also contributed to his demise. Michael Etienne, representing Andrews’ children, argued that since Andrews was released by mistake, he was technically still in state custody at the time of his death. Etienne also highlighted the history of problems at HMP Bristol, suggesting systemic issues within the prison.

However, Jack Murphy, representing the Ministry of Justice, countered that there was no evidence of systemic failure within the prison. Despite this assertion, the case raises significant concerns about the procedures and safeguards in place to prevent such errors from occurring.

The tragic death of Jamie Andrews underscores the need for a thorough review of the processes involved in prisoner release and supervision to ensure that similar incidents are prevented in the future. Additionally, it highlights the importance of accountability and transparency within the criminal justice system to maintain public trust and confidence.

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