In the wake of a tragic shooting at Abundant Life Christian School, the community is preparing to lay to rest a student and teacher killed in the incident. The funerals for Rubi Patricia Vergara, 14, and Erin West, 42, have been scheduled for Saturday and Monday respectively, following their deaths in an attack carried out by 15-year-old student Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow, who subsequently took her own life.
The shooting occurred on Monday, leaving Vergara, a freshman known for her love of reading, art, and music, and West, a beloved teacher and mother of three, deceased. West had been part of the ALCS staff for four years, stepping up from a substitute role to become the sub coordinator and in-building substitute teacher. Her obituary describes her as an integral part of the school community, loved for her grace, humor, and wisdom. “ALCS is a better school for the work of Erin West,” the school stated in tribute to her service.
Vergara was remembered as a gentle and loving individual, a blessing to her classmates, and a talented artist and musician. Her funeral will take place at City Church, near the school, while West’s service will be held at Doxa Church in Madison, where she was an active member.
The investigation into the motive behind the shooting continues, with Madison Police, alongside the FBI, delving into the shooter’s online presence and personal connections. Police Chief Shon Barnes revealed that Rupnow brought two guns to school, but details on how she acquired them remain undisclosed due to the ongoing nature of the investigation. There’s also no clear indication yet whether the attack was premeditated or if specific individuals were targeted.
Further complicating the investigation, a 20-year-old from Carlsbad, California, was served with a restraining order under California’s red flag law after it was discovered he had been in communication with Rupnow about a potential attack on a government building. This individual was required to surrender his firearms and ammunition, though it’s unclear if he has complied or faces charges.
The parents of Rupnow are cooperating with the police, but no decision has been made regarding their potential legal culpability. Court records show that Rupnow’s parents, Jeffrey and Mellissa, who are divorced, shared custody of their daughter, with her primarily residing with her father.
Abundant Life Christian School, serving approximately 420 students from prekindergarten to high school, is a cornerstone of the community. Adam Rostad, an alumnus, has mobilized support by organizing meal provisions and gift card donations to help those impacted by the tragedy, emphasizing the school’s familial bond despite personal changes in faith.
As the community mourns, the broader implications of gun access among youth and the psychological factors leading to such events are being scrutinized, with many calling for reflection and action to prevent future tragedies.