A devastating incident unfolded in northern Alabama as a 4-year-old boy tragically lost his life after being attacked by a dog, authorities confirmed.
Update: The young victim, identified as 4-year-old Beau Clark, was initially listed in critical condition following the attack by an Olde English Bulldog. Regrettably, Beau passed away at Decatur Morgan Hospital, as reported by the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office. The dog responsible for the attack was subsequently euthanized.
Deputies revealed that the boy’s father, Kevin Clark, heroically intervened to save his son from the dog’s assault and sustained severe injuries in the process. However, he has since been discharged from the hospital. The Olde English Bulldog belonged to a neighboring household.
A GoFundMe campaign has been launched to support the Clark family during this challenging time.
Original report: “Tonight is a difficult night,” expressed the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office in a somber Facebook update.
Responding to a medical emergency around 6 p.m. CST, deputies rushed to a location approximately five miles west of Hartselle, as per WHNT-TV. The child was found in critical condition and airlifted to a nearby hospital. The dog involved in the incident was humanely euthanized, according to the sheriff’s office.
The identity of the child, as well as their age and gender, has not been disclosed. The circumstances leading to the dog’s attack remain unclear.
“Please keep the family of the child who lost their life in your prayers tonight, along with our Deputies, EMS, and VFD who responded to this heartbreaking scene,” urged the sheriff’s office via Facebook.
An investigation into the tragic event is currently underway.
In the aftermath of this heartbreaking tragedy, our hearts go out to the families impacted by this profound loss. As they navigate the unimaginable pain of bidding farewell to their loved ones, we offer our deepest sympathies and stand in solidarity with them during this time of immense sorrow.