The student community at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island is mourning the tragic demise of Eric Estes Brown who was the vice president for Campus Life. Mr. Brown died unexpectedly this week, according to close family source.
Who Was Eric Estes Brown?
Eric Estes was the vice president for Campus Life at Brown University in Providence, RI. Mr. Brown was also a member pf the Trinity College Board of Trustees and past president of the college’s national alumni association. According to his official profile at the university, he was in charge of a large division of 20 departments, offices, and centers that works with and supports all students, as well as faculty and staff. He also has a faculty appointment in American Studies
Mr. Brown specialised in Campus Life Central Administration, Campus Life Engagement, Health and Wellness, Student Development and Support, Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life, Office of the Vice President for Campus Life, Office of Residential Life.
What Happened To Eric Estes?
Eric Estes died unexpectedly leaving his family, friends, and entire community devastated. The presidential task force on LGBT matters, served on a presidential commission on the status of women, and was a faculty affiliate of the Center for LGBT Life. Mr. Brown was a dedicated man who gave his all for his job.
Estes worked at Oberlin College and Conservatory for 12 years, serving his last five years as vice president and dean of students. He also served as an associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences and in Student Life and was the longest-serving director of the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) in its almost 30-year history. Prior to Oberlin, Estes held faculty and administrative positions at Duke and Syracuse Universities. While on the faculty at Duke, he chaired a. At Syracuse, he worked for three years in the Graduate School on professional development programs focused on excellence in undergraduate teaching.
Eric Estes Brown Academic Background
Mr. Brown possessed a Ph.D. in History, Syracuse University, M.A. History, Syracuse University, and a B.A. History, Trinity College. Mr. Brown was also the past chair of the steering board for the Consortium on High Achievement and Success (CHAS), the oldest and largest national organisation dedicated to the academic success of students of colour at institutions dedicated to liberal arts education.