Ben Sutherland, a beloved father and mentor, has tragically passed away at his home in Bathgate, West Lothian on March 5th. His cause of death remains uncertain, and speculation surrounds the circumstances leading to his sudden passing. His family confirmed his death in the morning, and they are in need of support during this difficult time.
Ben leaves behind a legacy that will be cherished by many, including his five children: Keyleigh (18), Morgan (15), Drake (8), and twins Hannah and Jackson (7). His unexpected death has left his loved ones devastated, and they are grateful for the support of friends and the wider community.
Donations are being collected to assist Ben’s family with the expenses associated with his passing, including cremation and relocation charges. The outpouring of support from those who benefited from Ben’s life is a testament to the impact he had on those around him.
In loving memory of Ben Sutherland, friends and family are coming together to honor his life and support his grieving loved ones. Despite the shock of his passing, the community is rallying around his family to provide comfort and assistance during this challenging time.
As we remember Ben and the positive influence he had on his community, let us keep his family in our thoughts and prayers. Funeral and visitation arrangements will be announced by the family in due course.
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