Antonio Poglianich New York, NY Obituary: Partner – Career Communication at Mercer has died

Antonio Poglianich Death: Antonio Poglianich, of Partner – Career Communication at Mercer was a beloved man who loved his job. Antonio Poglianich passed away tragically leaving his community devastated. Antonio Poglianich died unexpectedly this week after a medical emergency.  Antonio Poglianich was a storyteller at heart, who also happens to be an experienced leader who generates value through a unique blend of thought leadership, strong business acumen, and operational execution.

Antonio Poglianich was a Cornell University graduate. As a Partner at Mercer’s New York headquarters, I’ve held various leadership positions and am known here for my creative, yet pragmatic, approach to supporting change at Mercer and with my clients. My clients know me as someone who develops and implements award-winning large-scale change communication and transformation projects on-time and on budget.

Through my client work, I’ve had the privilege to lead large and small teams that have helped clients discover, articulate, and activate their employee value proposition (EVP). I’ve guided those clients through a design thinking approach to all aspects of engagement — from a candidate’s first point of contact and throughout their employee experience journey. Antonio Poglianich

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