The Dhaka University community was shaken by a tragic incident that unfolded in a residential quarter, where first-year student Adrita Binte Mosharraf was found hanging. Adrita, a 21-year-old student in the Marketing Department, was discovered by her father, Prof Mosharraf Hossain, a teacher at Dhaka University.
According to the family’s account, the heartbreaking discovery occurred during sehri, around 4:30 am on Sunday, when Adrita’s father attempted to contact her but received no response. Upon entering her room, he found Adrita hanging from a ceiling fan. The authorities from Shahbag Police Station were promptly notified and rushed to the scene. Adrita was immediately transported to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), where despite efforts by the medical staff, she was pronounced deceased.
Following the tragic incident, Adrita’s body was taken to the hospital morgue for further procedures. The circumstances surrounding her death have left the Dhaka University community in shock and mourning. Authorities are likely to conduct investigations to determine the factors leading to this heartbreaking event, while offering support to Adrita’s family and friends during this difficult time.
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