Tragically, a three-year-old girl named Elisa da Silva Marques has passed away after ingesting caustic soda, mistaking it for fruit juice. The incident occurred while Elisa was staying at her cousin’s house in São Manuel, Brazil.
Immediately after consuming the drain cleaner on March 16, Elisa fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. Despite receiving treatment for ten days, she tragically succumbed to the effects of the caustic soda and passed away on March 26.
Authorities have initiated an investigation into Elisa’s death to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide or lye, is a highly corrosive substance commonly used in the paper and soap industries and as a drain cleaner in households. However, it poses significant dangers if ingested or brought into contact with the skin or eyes, causing severe chemical burns.
This heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper handling and storage of hazardous substances, especially in environments accessible to young children.
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