Tragically, a young boy named Daniel Alaby, aged five, has passed away after being found in the River Thames. The incident occurred following a police appeal launched to locate Daniel, who had gone missing from his home in Thamesmead, south-east London.
At 6:23 pm on Friday, officers searching for Daniel discovered a child in the river. Immediate CPR was administered by the police before paramedics arrived at the scene. Despite efforts to save him, the child, believed to be Daniel, was later pronounced dead after being taken to the hospital, as confirmed by the Metropolitan Police.
Daniel’s family has been informed of the heartbreaking news and is currently receiving support from the police during this difficult time. The Met emphasized that there is no evidence suggesting the involvement of any other person in the incident.
Authorities urge anyone who may have seen Daniel on Friday to come forward with any information by contacting the police at 101 or via @MetCC, quoting reference 4592/29MAR24.
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