In a tragic incident in rural northern Arizona, two teenage boys lost their lives in what authorities are calling an apparent murder-suicide. The first victim, identified as 15-year-old Easton Proffitt, was a 10th grader at Perry High School in Gilbert. The second victim, Colten Boyle, also 15, was later identified by his family. The incident occurred on Saturday in Tonto Basin, where police reported that one 15-year-old boy shot the other before taking his own life.
Both boys sustained gunshot wounds to the head. When officers arrived at the scene, they found one boy already deceased, while Boyle was still alive. He was quickly flown to a trauma center and placed on life support, but he succumbed to his injuries on Sunday. The tragic event unfolded in the presence of a group of seven individuals aged 15 to 20, with officials noting that all but one had been drinking.
Boyle’s family chose to publicly identify him to clarify that he was not the shooter. His mother, Michelle Boyle, expressed the family’s grief on Facebook, describing the day as the worst of their lives. She shared heartfelt memories of Colten, highlighting his humor, kindness, and hardworking nature. Colten was known for his love of ranch work and his participation in horse-riding competitions. His family emphasized that he had a bright future ahead of him and was deeply loved by those around him.
The Gila County Sheriff’s Office has launched an investigation to determine the circumstances leading up to the shooting. As of now, it remains unclear when the second boy involved will be officially identified. The community is left grappling with the loss of two young lives, and the incident has sparked discussions about the impact of alcohol and the importance of mental health awareness among teenagers.
This devastating event has left a profound impact on the families and friends of the victims, as well as the broader community. The investigation continues as authorities seek to piece together the events that led to this heartbreaking outcome. In the meantime, the community mourns the loss of Easton Proffitt and Colten Boyle, remembering them for the joy and light they brought into the lives of those who knew them. The families are receiving an outpouring of support and condolences as they navigate this incredibly difficult time.