A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in Schaumburg on Monday evening as a 12-year-old girl lost her life after being struck by a vehicle. This marks the second fatal accident at the same intersection in the past month, raising concerns among local residents and authorities.
The incident occurred just after 5 p.m. when police reported that a 65-year-old man from Cicero was driving eastbound on Algonquin Road with the green light.
Angela Guan, the young victim, entered the roadway against the crosswalk signal. Despite the immediate aid provided by three bystanders at the scene, Angela succumbed to her injuries after being transported to the hospital.
Thomas Beltran, the owner of Bodega Barber Lounge near the intersection, expressed his sorrow and empathy for the victim’s family. “I have daughters myself, and I just couldn’t imagine what her parents are going through right now.
Something as simple as going to 7-Eleven for a snack and never making it back home—it’s devastating.” Beltran, who opened his business less than six months ago, has already witnessed the aftermath of two fatal collisions near his shop.
The loss has deeply affected the community, including Angela’s school. Community Consolidated School District 15 released a heartfelt statement:
“Our District 15 community is heartbroken by the devastating loss of one of our seventh-grade Plum Grove Middle School students, who was tragically struck by a vehicle in Schaumburg and heartbreakingly, did not survive. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the student’s family, friends, classmates, teachers, staff, and all those impacted by this tragedy.”
Authorities confirmed that the driver remained at the scene and is fully cooperating with the investigation. Early indications suggest that he was not impaired, though toxicology results are pending.
The recurring fatalities at this intersection have left the Schaumburg community grieving and questioning what safety measures might be implemented to prevent future tragedies.