Dalriko Blake, a 50-year-old resident of Anniston, Alabama, and a beloved father and brother has tragically passed away. He was announced dead through a social media post that read “MY heart can’t handle this!! My brother Dalriko Blake AKA #1 went home to the Lord. I just need to hear your voice one more time!! I know u are up there watching over Monte, Tasha, me and our daddy. Just know I LOVE YOU BLAKE.. love always me #3”
What was Dalriko Blake’s cause of death?
The name of the man who was shot and died in Anniston, Alabama earlier this month has been released, and a suspect is being held about the incident. On the evening of June 2, 2024, Dalriko Blake, 50, was discovered shot inside a house on Palmetto Avenue, according to the Anniston Police Department. Blake was brought to a local hospital so he could receive care. After being sent to a different hospital for ongoing care, he passed away on June 20 as a result of his wounds. Authorities detained 27-year-old Raekwon Jamal Blake the next day in connection with Dalriko Blake’s demise. Raekwon Blake is being jailed without bail after being accused of murder.
Tribute to Dalriko Blake
Dalriko Blake’s beloved sister in a Facebook post expressed her sadness. “To my elder brother Dalriko Blake, whom I love so much! I am fully aware that as a human being, I must not question the ways of the Lord.” The post also added “However, I find myself pondering upon the reason why you were taken away from us so early in life. Although your departure has left me feeling devastated and heartbroken, I will forever cherish the memories we shared together. I love you so much and you will truly be missed.”