A Mexican woman known as Vanessa Brillit has gone viral over her decision to invite Facebook friends to her daughter’s birthday party and then kick them out.
According to reports, Brillit was in a pickle after her daughter’s birthday party became a bust with no attendees.
To save her event, she posted an open invitation on Facebook, claiming all her food would go to waste, but then when overwhelming numbers, some with gifts, she turned people away without feeding anyone.
The viral story occurred at a villa in Portal del Nort in Zuazua, Nuevo León, Mexico.
According to reports, rains had decimated attendance at the birthday party Brillit had planned for her daughter, leaving her with a large amount of food and no guests.
Determined to make the party a success despite everything, Brillit posted an open invitation on Facebook, inviting anyone interested to join the celebration at the villa.
The post quickly went viral in several local groups, attracting the attention of numerous users who were moved by the situation.
Dozens of people came to the event, some even bringing gifts for the little birthday girl .
The initial atmosphere was one of celebration and solidarity until the numbers started overwhelming Vanessa.
Unable to manage the party any longer, Vanessa took a microphone and asked her guests to leave, annoying those who had taken time out of their day to come and save her disastrous party.
The story quickly went viral with many online slamming Vanessa for her actions. A slew of memes also emerged about the situation, but she defended herself saying the party had gotten bigger than she could manage and that the owner of the Villa had expressed concerns.