University of Arkansas Suicide; A young man allegedly kills himself, school maybe on lockdown

University of Arkansas, Suicide; Yesterday, June 20, a young man at the University of Arkansas took his own life. It has not yet  been disclosed if he was a student at the university or not. At the time of this report, the previous statements were gathered from a Facebook post on June 21, by Mr. Gerald D. Thomas. Information about the victim is yet to be collected. Adequate collection of information regarding the means by which he decided to kill himself has also not been disclosed. Students, Staffs and other citizens of the community is advised to remain and keep a curious mind and provide profound information regarding the incident. We do not know and have not come to a conclusive point if the university will be on Lockdown till further notice. Greetings and prayers to his family.

Please be careful with your words if you are sending condolences. Individuals DIE by suicide; they do not commit suicide. “Committed suicide” implies a nearly criminal motivation. Saying someone “died by suicide” absolves them of responsibility and permits a conversation about the illness or condition rather than placing blame or raising why!
Once more, exercise caution. For many people, seeing content like that go viral serves as a trigger!

Please if you have any relevant information in regards to the occurrence of this event, do contact the police or any other local authorities responsible for the investigation of this matter. More information about this event will be made available subsequently. Please do not panic!

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