The community was shocked by the tragic news of the death of Jamie Felix, a beloved teacher at a Port St. Lucie charter school on the Treasure Coast. According to West Palm Beach Police, Jamie, aged 45, was abducted by her estranged husband, 60-year-old Ray Felix, on Friday, along with their two sons. They were driven south to a hotel by Ray Felix, where the unthinkable occurred.
Police spokesman Mike Jachles revealed that once at the hotel, Ray Felix fatally shot his wife multiple times before driving a short distance away to a car rental lot. It was there that officers found him, and despite their intervention, Ray took his own life with a single gunshot to the head.
Thankfully, Jamie and Ray’s two sons, aged 10 and 17, were found unharmed at the hotel. The tragic incident unfolded amidst the backdrop of the couple’s ongoing divorce proceedings, shedding light on the complexities and dangers inherent in such situations.
In the wake of this devastating loss, grief counselors have been made available to students and staff at Manatee Academy K-8, where Jamie Felix dedicated her time and passion to shaping young minds. The St. Lucie County School District has also expressed their condolences, stating that their “thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and loved ones during this difficult time.”
The community mourns the loss of Jamie Felix, a dedicated educator, and the tragic circumstances surrounding her untimely death serve as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing domestic violence and providing support to those in need.
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