The Lakeside High School community is reeling from the tragic loss of 19-year-old Sophia Lekiachvili, who lost her life in a devastating single-vehicle accident on Oak Grove Road near Kirkland Drive. The accident, occurring late at night on February 24th, also left two others injured, amplifying the heartbreak felt throughout the DeKalb community.
DeKalb Police responded swiftly to the scene, transporting the injured to a nearby hospital for urgent medical care. Amidst the chaos, the news of Sophia’s passing emerged, plunging her family, friends, and the larger school community into profound grief.
In response to the tragedy, Lakeside High School’s principal communicated with parents, offering assurance that the surviving students are on the path to recovery and in stable condition. The resilience displayed by these young individuals, coupled with the support of the community, serves as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
To address the emotional toll of the incident, a grief counselor was promptly made available on campus, providing support to students struggling with the loss. Additionally, the District Crisis Team has been mobilized, ensuring ongoing emotional and psychological assistance for students and staff during this challenging period.
While the school district officials have yet to issue a public statement regarding the accident, the focus remains on supporting the injured students and honoring the memory of Sophia Lekiachvili. As the community grapples with this tragedy, the importance of unity and support in times of adversity becomes ever more apparent.
This heartbreaking event underscores the fragility of life and underscores the necessity of community solidarity in times of crisis. As the Lakeside High School community comes together to mourn and heal, the enduring impact of this tragedy will be felt deeply by all those affected. The thoughts and prayers of the entire DeKalb community are with the families and friends of the victims as they navigate through their grief and find solace in cherished memories.